Urban Educator Corps - 9/11 Reunion

On September 11, 2001, the Steering Committee of the Urban Educator Corps was meeting in Washington DC, just two blocks from the White House, when the course of history was changed by what we now know as 9/11. 

Each year, on the 9/11 anniversary, members of the Steering Committee have shared reflections on that fateful day and updates on the changes that have occurred in their lives.  This year, on the 10th anniversary of that event, the group is preparing to hold a face-to-face reunion to commemorate their shared experience and to use the occassion to present proposals for improving K-12 education, especially in the urban setting.

The Urban Educator Corps is the educational initiative of the Urban Serving Universities, a consortium of 17 public urban universities which together prepare over 20% of the nation's future urban educators.